Past Event Notices
This page is just to keep track of past event sections that have been on the home page

Special Guest Speaker!
Steve Gwyn
16th - 17th September
Contact us for more details on Ph: 021 022 62381
We have 300 free boxes of Groceries
We’re giving away to families in need in the Upper Hutt Community, to help take some of the Christmas financial pressures off.
A Christmas Box is an $80 food box that caters to a family of 4-6 helping supplement breakfast, lunch and dinner meals over a week.
To register for a box this year click the link below.
Once your registration is confirmed you will be able to pick up your box from Riverstones Church in Upper Hutt, on Saturday 9th December between 10am-2pm.

@ Riverstones
Christmas Eve Sun 24th
Carol Service
At 10am
Christmas Day Mon 25th
Celebration & Communion Service
One hour starting at 9am