Riverstones Kids
Pebbles 2-5 Years Bolders 6-12 Years
Riverstones Kids is held every Sunday morning during the school terms in the Riverstones House.
We start together as a church family for worship and communion. After communion they head out to the Riverstones House where they have a fun lesson, games, art and craft. Our awesome team helps them discover throughout the bible how much Jesus loves them, and His plans and purposes for their lives.
Interactive Learning - No boring lessons allowed!
At Riverstones we really love kids. Children's ministry is one of our priorities at Riverstones and our children are thriving in their walk with God. Riverstones Kids' activities are fun, Biblically focused and delivered in a loving and safe environment by a dedicated team of Leaders.
Pebbles 2 - 5 years
Rocks and Boulders 6 - 12 years